
Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment: Braces, Invisalign, and More

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  • Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment: Braces, Invisalign, and More

A beautiful smile is a priceless asset that improves our appearance and self-confidence. Orthodontic treatment from our professional dentist in Vancouver can assist in resolving issues with the jaw and misaligned teeth, enhancing both dental health and appearance. However, determining the most suitable orthodontic treatment can be difficult given the variety of alternatives available. 

In this blog post, we will explore two popular choices: traditional braces and Invisalign, along with other alternatives, to help you make an informed decision.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have been the go-to orthodontic treatment for decades. They are made of wires and metal brackets that are glued to the teeth and gradually shift the teeth into their proper position. Braces remain to be a reliable and effective treatment for a variety of orthodontic conditions despite the development of newer alternatives.


  1. Effective for complex cases: Braces are extremely versatile and can fix major misalignments, biting problems, and crowding.
  2. Cost-effective: When compared to other alternative treatments, traditional braces can often be less expensive.
  3. No compliance required: Braces are permanent devices that do not require patient compliance to work as removable aligners do.


  1. Aesthetic concerns: Metal wires and brackets are visible, which might be a disadvantage for those who want a more covert treatment option.
  2. Oral hygiene challenges: Proper oral hygiene becomes crucial as braces require extra care to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay.
  3. Diet restrictions: To keep the braces from becoming damaged, some foods, such as sticky or hard items, may need to be avoided.


Invisalign in Vancouver is a modern orthodontic procedure that gradually straightens teeth using a series of transparent, removable aligners. These aligners, which are more covert than traditional braces, are created utilizing 3D imaging technology.


  1. Aesthetically pleasing: Since Invisalign aligners are almost invisible, they are a desirable alternative for those looking for a discrete procedure.
  2. Removable and convenient: Aligners offer greater flexibility in daily life since they are simple to take out for meals, brushing, and special events.
  3. Improved comfort: Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth plastic that is usually more pleasant than metal braces.


  1. Compliance is crucial: Aligners must be worn for 20–22 hours every day in order for treatment to be successful, requiring commitment and discipline.
  2. Limited scope: Complex instances with considerable jaw misalignments or extreme crowding might not be appropriate for Invisalign.
  3. Higher cost: Depending on the complexity of the situation, Invisalign near you can often be more expensive than conventional braces.

Other Orthodontic Alternatives

There are other orthodontic procedures available in addition to conventional braces and Invisalign. Here are a few noteworthy alternatives:

  • Lingual braces: Lingual braces use metal brackets and wires similar to conventional braces. But because they are positioned on the inner surface of the teeth, making them virtually invisible from the outside.
  • Ceramic braces: Ceramic braces function similarly to conventional braces but offer a more aesthetically pleasing solution by using tooth-colored or transparent brackets and wires.
  • Clear aligner systems: Other transparent aligner systems, like ClearCorrect and SmileDirectClub, are accessible in addition to Invisalign and have advantages that are comparable.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Orthodontic Treatment

There are a lot of important factors to take into account when choosing the best treatment. Here are some of the most important factors to consider while considering orthodontics in Vancouver

  • Orthodontic needs
  • Treatment goals
  • Treatment duration 
  • Lifestyle and convenience 
  • Aesthetic concerns 
  • Oral hygiene 
  • Cost and financial considerations 
  • Orthodontist’s recommendation

Remember, that every person is unique, so what suits one person may not be the greatest option for another. Before determining a course of treatment, it is essential to have a detailed conversation with your dentist near you, ask questions, and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Discover Your Perfect Path to a Straighter Smile with Us! 

At City Square Dental Center, we understand the importance of a confident and beautiful smile. If you’re seeking the ideal orthodontics near you to achieve a straighter smile, our experienced team of professionals is here to help. With our state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to personalized care, we offer a range of orthodontic options tailored to meet your specific needs. 

Schedule a session with our experts today, and let us guide you toward the perfect treatment option for your journey to a straighter, more radiant smile.


1. How long does orthodontic treatment take?

Depending on the complexity of the case and the selected treatment plans, the duration of orthodontic treatment can vary. The length of orthodontic treatment can range from 12 to 36 months on average, but it’s advisable to speak with an orthodontist for a more precise estimate depending on your unique requirements.

2. Can I eat and drink normally with braces or Invisalign?

Avoid sticky, crunchy, or chewy foods when wearing braces to prevent damage to the brackets and wires. You can enjoy a broader variety of meals with Invisalign since you can take the aligners out when you’re eating or drinking as long as you practice good oral hygiene and brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in.

3. Will the orthodontic treatment be painful?

Particularly after corrections or after beginning a new set of aligners, orthodontic treatment can result in some discomfort or soreness. However, the soreness is often just temporary and insignificant, and over-the-counter painkillers can assist. Throughout the duration of the orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist will offer advice on how to deal with any potential discomfort.

4. Can I play sports or musical instruments with braces or Invisalign?

Yes, you can play sports and musical instruments with both braces and Invisalign. However, wearing a mouthguard is recommended during sports to protect your teeth and braces. With Invisalign, you can remove the aligners when playing musical instruments for better comfort and performance.

5. How often do I need to visit the orthodontist during treatment?

Depending on the treatment plan, orthodontic patients often need to visit the orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks for adjustments and progress checks. These frequent check-ins are essential for making sure that treatment is going according to plan and for making any required modifications along the way.
